Podcasts we love
Podcasts are a popular way to listen to content which is thought-provoking, entertaining and life-enhancing. Here is a selection of six of our favourites.

"The Diary of a CEO” with Steven Bartlett – Moment 94 Dr Julie Smith: The ONE simplifying thing that will transform your life (7 minutes)
Synopsis: Taken from a previous episode, this snippet highlights how Doctor Julie Smith (renowned Clinical Psychologist, author of Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before?) helps you tell the difference between a goal and a value, and what this can mean for your life. Dr Smith discusses the need for value ‘check-ins’ to remember what’s important in your life and to reflect on the gradual changes you are making that lead to big meaningful results.
“The Therapy Crouch” with Abbey Clancy and Peter Crouch – What to expect when you’re expecting (1 hour)
Synopsis: In this light-hearted podcast, Abbey and Pete discuss what to expect when you’re expecting. However, the couple are open about the issues they faced trying to fall pregnant with their first child. They share their experiences of dealing with underlying health conditions, surgeries and offer advice to listeners who find themselves in a similar situation. Pete also is on hand to provide guidance to partners who are trying to navigate their way through hormones, weird cravings and shed some light on what strange demands your partner may have.
“Power to you” Take the lead with Gloria Feldt – Expect to Win with Carla Harris (45 mins)
Synopsis: In this episode Gloria welcomes business expert, signer, author and speaker Carla Harris. Carla is a Vice Chairman, Managing Director and Senior Client Advisor at Morgan Stanley. However, her true passion lies with helping women achieve their business goals and objectives. Carla talks about her three pearls of wisdom which include authenticity, risk-taking and perception. Also, the importance of building horizontal and vertical relationships and the idea of relationship currency.
“Happy Place” with Fern Cotton – Dr Olivia Remes (52 mins)
Synopsis: Panic, indecisiveness, procrastination – all common, everyday moods that can frustrate and even paralyse our ability to move forward. Dr Olivia Remes, a mental health researcher at the University of Cambridge wants to help us overcome these moods so that we can really thrive. In this chat with Fearne, she explains how characteristics like confidence and charisma can be learned, how to make healthy new habits stick, and how real personal growth can come from the most painful of situations.

"The Diary of a CEO” with Steven Bartlett – Episode 133 Karren Brady: How to win at entrepreneurship and love at the same time (1 hour 18 mins)
Synopsis: Karren Brady is a businesswoman, Vice Chairman of West Ham, and a mainstay of BBC One’s The Apprentice for many years. At the age of twenty-three she became the youngest person to run a publicly traded company when she was put in charge of Birmingham City Football Club. Not only was she the youngest person running a football club, but she was also one of the first women to be leaders in the industry. In this episode, Karren believes that breaking glass ceilings and being a first to do things is reachable for everyone, if you’re willing to work twice as hard as everybody else. Karren and Steven explore answers to questions like “What makes you stand out?” “Do emotions compromise your decisions?” “Should football be more transparent?” and the idea of work-life balance with your relationships.
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